A devastating incident unfolded in Naharlagun, Arunachal Pradesh Tragedy , on Saturday, as an overhead water tank at a private school collapsed, claiming the lives of three students and leaving three others injured. The tragedy occurred at St. Alphonsa School in Model Village while students were playing on the premises.
Details of the Incident
According to Naharlagun Superintendent of Police (SP) Mihin Gambo, the tank collapsed suddenly, injuring six students, who were immediately rushed to the Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (TRIHMS). Despite prompt medical attention, three students were declared dead upon arrival, while the other three sustained injuries and are undergoing treatment.
The deceased were students of Class 9, while the injured belong to Classes 6 and 7. Post-mortem examinations are currently underway.
Preliminary Investigation
The police have detained the school principal, owner, and four other staff members for questioning. Initial investigations indicate that the water tank might have exceeded its capacity, leading to the collapse. However, authorities are conducting a detailed probe to determine the exact cause of the accident.
SP Gambo stated, “While early findings suggest structural overload, a thorough inquiry will be conducted to ensure accountability and prevent future mishaps.”
School Safety Concerns
The Arunachal Pradesh Tragedy incident has raised serious concerns about the structural integrity and safety measures at educational institutions. Parents and local residents are demanding strict action against the school management and a comprehensive review of infrastructure safety in schools across the region.
This tragic event underscores the need for stringent adherence to safety standards and regular inspections to prevent similar incidents in the future.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.