The tragic death of Sagar Gangwar, the 14-year-old son of Crime Patrol actress Sapna Singh, has left the community in shock. Sagar was found dead under suspicious circumstances in Bareilly on December 7, sparking widespread protests and an investigation that has led to the arrest of two of his friends.
Discovery and Investigation
Sagar, a Class 8 student who had been staying with his maternal uncle, Om Prakash, was reported missing on December 7. His body was discovered on December 10, near Adalakhia village in the Izzatnagar police station area, after his family filed a missing persons report. Initially, the death was treated as an unidentified case, but CCTV footage from the area showed two of Sagar’s friends, Anuj and Sunny, dragging his body to a field, which led to their detention.
The postmortem report revealed no clear cause of death, but initial signs indicated poisoning or a drug overdose. Viscera samples have been preserved for further examination. The police are currently treating the case as a potential murder, awaiting conclusive test results.
Friends’ Confession
During questioning, Anuj and Sunny confessed that they had consumed drugs and alcohol with Sagar. The trio allegedly overdosed, causing Sagar to collapse. Fearing the consequences, the friends abandoned his body in the field. Police officials have arrested both Anuj and Sunny on charges of murder, with further investigations underway.
Inspector Sunil Kumar from Bhuta Police Station stated, “Anuj and Sunny admitted that they had given drugs to Sagar, and when he fell unconscious, they panicked and left him behind.”
Public Outrage and Protests
The incident has sparked protests in Sagar’s village, where residents have demanded justice and a second postmortem. Sagar’s mother, Sapna Singh, returned from Mumbai on Tuesday to learn of her son’s tragic death. Overcome with grief, she led the protest, calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances of his death.
In response to the protests, police have registered a fresh First Information Report (FIR) for murder and assured the community that the investigation will be carried out with the utmost diligence. The case has also highlighted concerns over the rising issue of substance abuse among teenagers and its dangerous consequences.
Ongoing Investigation
As the investigation continues, authorities are working to confirm the exact cause of Sagar’s death. With his friends under arrest, the focus now shifts to understanding the role of drugs and alcohol in this tragic incident.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.