Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde, has introduced an unprecedented accountability mechanism to address discontent brewing within his Shiv Sena faction. The party will soon require its newly sworn-in ministers to sign affidavits affirming their willingness to vacate their positions after two and a half years, paving the way for new leaders. This move, touted as part of a ‘perform or perish’ policy, highlights Shinde’s intent to enforce merit-based leadership and equitable distribution of power among Shiv Sena members.
Shinde’s Bold Move Amid Leadership Discontent
Eknath Shinde ‘s decision comes amid growing dissatisfaction among Shiv Sena MLAs who feel sidelined or overlooked. A senior party insider revealed, “Many MLAs lack a clear ideological commitment and are primarily motivated by power. The affidavits ensure Shinde retains the authority to replace underperforming ministers while addressing internal tensions.”
Shiv Sena ministers Shambhuraj Desai, Uday Samant, and Gulabrao Patil—known to be close confidants of Shinde—will remain in their posts. Meanwhile, some leaders like Deepak Kesarkar, Abdul Sattar, and Tanaji Sawant, dropped during the recent cabinet reshuffle, are reportedly disgruntled.
The Case of Dropped Ministers
Kesarkar, who opted to skip the swearing-in ceremony and visit Shirdi to pray at the Sai Baba temple instead, displayed measured acceptance of the reshuffle. “I’ve had the opportunity to serve twice as a minister. Now, my focus will be on my constituency,” he stated. Shinde is likely to assign him a party role.
However, other axed leaders like Abdul Sattar and Tanaji Sawant have avoided public comments, signaling dissatisfaction. Sattar’s tenure was marred by allegations of high-handedness and controversies, while Sawant faced criticism over irregularities in the health department, including issues with the tendering process.
Strategic Regional Representation
Shinde’s reshuffle strategy appears aimed at balancing regional representation while rewarding loyalty. Leaders from Konkan, a Shiv Sena stronghold, have been well-represented with Uday Samant (Ratnagiri), Bharat Gogawale (Mahad), and Yogesh Kadam (Dapoli) gaining ministerial posts. However, this has not been without criticism.
Critics point out that two ministers now hail from Thane city—Shinde and Pratap Sarnaik—raising concerns about uneven regional distribution. Pune, Marathwada, and Vidarbha regions have also secured key representations, with leaders like Sanjay Shirsat and Prakash Abitkar inducted into the cabinet.
A Cabinet Rooted in Grassroots Representation
In an interesting development, three former rickshaw drivers now hold cabinet positions in Shinde’s administration. Shinde, who once drove a rickshaw, is joined by Pratap Sarnaik, who ran a food stall in Dombivli, and Sanjay Shirsat, a former rickshaw driver from Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar. This grassroots representation underscores the Shiv Sena’s traditional appeal to ordinary citizens.
Perform or Perish: The Path Forward
Shinde’s affidavit plan signals a transformative shift in Maharashtra politics, setting a benchmark for accountability and leadership renewal. However, the move also reflects the delicate balancing act needed to maintain unity within his faction, especially as murmurs of dissent among sidelined MLAs grow louder.
This strategic shake-up aligns with Shinde’s vision of making Shiv Sena stronger while addressing internal rifts. Whether this bold experiment succeeds will largely depend on how effectively Shinde manages his faction’s aspirations and performance dynamics in the months ahead.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.