In a tragic incident on Wednesday, a 46-year-old woman lost her life following the collapse of a portion of her house’s slab in Ram Nagar, Malad West. Her husband and son sustained minor injuries and are currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital, according to civic authorities.
Details of the Incident
The incident occurred in Mumbai around 11 a.m. at Sonabai Chawl, a ground-plus-one-storey structure in Ram Nagar. The deceased, identified as Pooja Mandalkar, was at home with her husband, Prashant Mandalkar, and their son when the structure partially gave way.
Authorities revealed that the building, which was over 20 years old, relied on a load-bearing structure. The collapse is suspected to have been caused by deteriorating iron beams that had weakened over time.
An official explained, “As part of the house began to collapse, Pooja came to check on the balcony, at which point the entire structure gave way.”
Medical Response
Pooja, along with her injured husband and son, was rushed to a nearby hospital. Tragically, she was declared dead on arrival, while her family members are receiving medical care for their injuries.
Concerns Over Structural Integrity
This incident highlights ongoing concerns about aging and poorly maintained structures in Mumbai, particularly in chawls and low-rise buildings that are decades old. It has reignited calls for stricter inspections and timely renovations to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
Civic officials are expected to conduct a detailed investigation into the building’s condition to determine if negligence or delays in maintenance contributed to the collapse.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.