In a high-stakes family drama, Ajit Pawar leads his nephew, Yugendra Pawar, in the prestigious Baramati seat as Maharashtra’s election results unfold. Ajit, now with the BJP-Shiv Sena alliance after splitting from the Sharad Pawar-led NCP, is in a commanding position with over 60,000 more votes than the 32-year-old debutant.
Yugendra, son of Sharad Pawar’s brother, is campaigning under the flag of the NCP faction loyal to Sharad Pawar. His campaign, despite Sharad’s emotional backing, faces a tough challenge in this battle of legacy. Both factions are fighting for political survival, with the Sharad Pawar group boasting a dominant Lok Sabha performance, while Ajit Pawar’s faction gains ground with welfare schemes like the Ladki Bahin yojana.
For Ajit, Baramati is personal. His wife’s loss to cousin Supriya Sule in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections stung, and this election serves as his redemption. Meanwhile, Sharad Pawar has made an emotional plea for the next generation, calling for Yugendra’s rise. The contest is much more than votes—it’s about family legacies, survival, and the future of Maharashtra’s politics.