In a horrifying incident that has shaken the capital, 20-year-old Boxer Arjun Tanwar, a student at Delhi University, has been arrested for brutally murdering his parents and sister at their Neb Sarai residence. The crime occurred early Wednesday morning, coinciding with his parents’ wedding anniversary, and is believed to have been fueled by long-standing resentments and property disputes.
The Brutal Murders and Chilling Details
According to police, Boxer Arjun carefully orchestrated the murders of his father, Rajesh Kumar, a retired Army officer, his mother Komal, and his sister Kavita. The victims were found with slit throats and multiple stab wounds at their home, leaving behind a gruesome crime scene. Rajesh’s body was discovered upstairs, while his wife and daughter were found in separate rooms on the ground floor. In an eerie attempt to control the bleeding, clothing was wrapped around their necks.
The investigation revealed that Arjun first attacked his sister, who attempted to fight back. He then moved on to his father, stabbing him in his sleep, and finally ambushed his mother, who had been in the bathroom.
A Deep-Seated Grudge Over Property and Boxing
Arjun’s motive, police suggest, stemmed from a deep-seated grudge against his family. He resented his father’s favoritism towards his sister, who was pursuing a master’s degree, and his father’s harsh criticism of his boxing career. Arjun had previously won a silver medal representing Delhi in boxing but felt overshadowed by his sister’s academic achievements.
Furthermore, Arjun was suspicious that his father intended to transfer the family property to his sister, fueling his anger. Tensions between father and son had reportedly been escalating, especially after a physical altercation during his sister’s birthday on December 1.
A Deceptive Attempt to Mislead Authorities
After carrying out the murders, Arjun attempted to create a false narrative to mislead authorities. He followed his regular routine by going for a morning jog at 5:30 am, hoping to portray normalcy. He then went to his gym, where he claimed to have learned of the murders, and alerted neighbors and relatives. However, his story began to unravel when police found inconsistencies in his statements.
Joint Commissioner of Police (South) Sanjay Kumar Jain noted, “Arjun’s answers kept changing, and there were numerous contradictions in his account.”
The Crime Weapon and Digital Evidence
The police found that Arjun had used his father’s Army knife to carry out the murders, a weapon chosen for its precision and lethality. As the investigation continues, authorities are examining Arjun’s digital devices to determine if he sought inspiration for his crime online.
The Boxer’s Grudge Against His Family
Arjun, a trained boxer and political science student, reportedly felt neglected and isolated by his family. He resented his father’s treatment, which included public reprimands, further exacerbating his anger. Sources close to the case revealed that Arjun had been unhappy with the perceived favoritism towards his sister, which was compounded by his father’s repeated humiliation over his career choices.
The Case Unfolds
A team led by ACP Abhinendra Jain cracked the case, uncovering the disturbing emotional turmoil that led to the murder of an entire family. Arjun’s chilling crime is a stark reminder of the destructive power of familial resentment and the hidden tensions that can build over time.
As the investigation progresses, police are uncovering more details about the troubled dynamics within the Tanwar family and the devastating consequences of unresolved grievances.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.