In a significant ruling, the Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has upheld a district commission’s order for Uber to compensate a Delhi resident ₹54,000 after the company failed to provide timely cab service, causing him to miss his flight. The incident, which occurred in November 2022, involved Upendra Singh, who had booked an Uber ride at 3:15 AM to reach the Delhi airport. However, the cab never arrived, and Singh’s repeated attempts to contact Uber went unanswered.
The delay forced Singh and his wife to hire a local taxi, ultimately reaching the airport at 5:15 AM — too late to catch their Indore-bound flight. The couple, who had pre-booked return tickets, were left with less than 12 hours to spend with their family in Indore before returning to Delhi.
Despite Singh’s attempts to resolve the matter directly with Uber, including a legal notice sent in November 2021, the company failed to respond. Singh then filed a complaint with the Delhi District Commission, leading to the ₹24,100 compensation for the missed flight and ₹30,000 in additional penalties for mental distress and legal costs.
The State Commission’s bench upheld this decision, noting that Uber had neither provided adequate justification nor evidence to explain its failure to ensure timely service. The commission highlighted Uber’s responsibility as a service provider to deliver services without unnecessary delay, calling its actions a clear “deficiency in service.”
This ruling highlights growing concerns over consumer rights and corporate responsibility in India’s fast-growing tech-driven service industry. Uber’s failure to address the issue promptly and the court’s decision underscore the need for service providers to ensure reliability and accountability